Xenos: Exploring Otherness
Me to others, and others to me…
“Each person discovers their “intimate/extimate,” “inside/outside” dug up from the fragile zones of their lives. In the current state of war, it is our most inner selves that we must save.”
- Julia Kristeva, Philosopher and Psychoanalyst
Xenos, the stranger, the foreigner, me to all of the others, all of the others to me, me to me and you to you – here, these writings celebrate the art of exploration of Otherness in us that in turn celebrates the intertwining of our beings.
The blog entries below are by Giacomo B. Contri, MD (1941 – 2022). Dr Contri was a philosopher and psychoanalyst, the founder and most recent President of the Società Amici del Pensiero ‘Sigmund Freud’ (Milan, Italy). Until his death in January 2022, he was the most important scholar of Jacques Lacan in Italy and has translated in Italian Lacan’s Écrits (J. Lacan, Scritti, Einaudi: Torino, 1974).