Scientific Thinking
For decades, Science has been living in the penumbra of a meager public life of celebrations with its practitioners recognized as authors, their works officially referenced, and its fields recognized as substantive. In the last few months of life with the Coronavirus, science has lacked cause for any such celebration despite the large number of people and money at its disposal.
We work in the footsteps of the science inaugurated by Freud, a science of the cogito much more clearly articulated than that of Descartes, a science of thinking that had previously remained unthought. It is a foundational science, a positive science, as when we say a positive law. Freud articulated the cogito in the ego-id-superego and in an even broader glossary, leaving to us the task of perpetuating it and further innovating it as science.
This Section is devoted to contributions attesting to the dignity and merit of scientific thinking.