Joe Proulx, MFA

LP Candidate

Joe Proulx received an MFA in Poetry from Bard College and is an LP qualifying candidate at Pulsion Institute. He welcomes patients from a broad range of social, economic, and cultural backgrounds and works with issues such as anxiety and body-mediated distress to addiction, mourning, melancholia, and existential quandaries including those regarding work, intimacy and sex. 

One of his areas of research is on the treatment of drug addicts in recovery, particularly the intersection of traditional recovery programs and the transmissions of a lineage of clinicians emerging in one form or another from Lacan's L'école Freudienne. 

Formed in dialogue with poets, artists, and Lacanian clinicians from a variety of schools–among them Apres Coup and Das Unbehagen–his technique is rooted in something like the poetic experience. This occurs by allowing speech, punctuation and scansion to surprise us, allowing humor and play to guide the work while sustaining the dignity of suffering.