Jesse Zelisko

MSW Intern

Jesse is in her final year of a four-year dual degree graduate program achieving her Master’s in Divinity in Buddhist Chaplaincy and Interreligious Engagement from the Thích Nhất Hạnh Program for Engaged Buddhism at Union Theological Seminary and Master’s in Social Work specializing in Advanced Clinical Practice at Columbia School of Social Work. At Columbia, Jesse is also a member of the inaugural cohort of the Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy Program specifically designed for clinicians. 

In addition to completing her clinical hours at Rose-Hill, she works as a psychedelic integrator at Nushama Psychedelic Wellness Center in Midtown. Prior to this, she trained as a Buddhist chaplain to support people in acute moments of spiritual crises and transition through completing her unit of Clinical Pastoral Education at Mount Sinai Hospital. This past summer, she completed a three-month Soto Zen training residency at Ancestral Heart Temple in Millerton, NY. 

Jesse sees much of our suffering as rooted in existential and spiritual struggles, and brings this dimension to her work as a budding analyst. As a dancer, previous full-time farmer, and devoted Zen practitioner, she locates the body and the earth as our sites for liberation and healing, and strives to integrate mindfulness and psychosomatic elements of our experience into her practice. She works with couples, adults, and adolescents.